Books and Special Journal Issues:
- Seider, W.D., D.R. Lewin, J.D Seader, S. Widagdo, R. Gani, K.M. Ng, Product and Process Design Principles: Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation, Fourth Edition, John Wiley, 2017.
- Seider, W. D., J. D. Seader, D. R. Lewin, and S. Widagdo, Product and Process Design Principles: Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation, Third Edition, John Wiley, 2009.
- Seider, W. D., J. D. Seader, and D. R. Lewin, Product and Process Design Principles: Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation, Second Edition, John Wiley, 2004.
- Seider, W. D., J. D. Seader, and D. R. Lewin, Process Design Principles: Synthesis, Analysis and Evaluation, John Wiley, 1999.
- Lewin, D. R., W. D. Seider, J. D. Seader, E. Dassau, J. Golbert, D. N. Goldberg, M. J. Fucci, and R. B. Nathanson, Using Process Simulators in Chemical Engineering: A Multimedia Guide for the Core Curriculum , Version 2.0, distributed by John Wiley, 2003.
- Seider, W. D., J. D. Seader, D. R. Lewin, S. Winters, M. Ali, D. Miller, M. DiTillio, C. S. Tanzi, R. C. Chang, and E. Dassau, Simulation of Process Flowsheets , Version 3.0, Multimedia CD-ROM, distributed by John Wiley, 1999.
- Myers, A.L., and W.D. Seider, Introduction to Chemical Engineering and Computer Calculations, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, January, 1976. (translations in Polish, Japanese, and Chinese)
- Seader, J.D., W.D. Seider, and A.C. Pauls, FLOWTRAN Simulation – An Introduction, Third Edition, CACHE Corp., Ulrich’s Bookstore, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1987.
- Mah, R.S.H., and W.D. Seider, Editors, Foundations of Computer-Aided Chemical Process Design, Vols. I and II, AIChE, 1981.
- Seider, W.D., Editor, “Richard R. Hughes Memorial Issue,” Comp. and Chem. Eng., 11, 6 (1987).
- Seider, W.D., Editor, “Stuart W. Churchill 60th Birthday Issue,” Chem. Eng. Comm., 9 (1981).
Reviewed Papers:
- Seider, W. D., and S. W. Churchill, “The Effect of Insulation on Freezing Front Motion,” Chem. Eng. Progr. Symp Series, 61, 59, 179 (1965).
- Seider, W. D. “Time Sharing in Engineering Education,” J. of Eng. Educ. , 59, 5 (1969).
- Seider, W. D., “The Student and His Information Needs,” Eng. Educ., 60, 5 (1970).
- Seider, W. D., and S. W. Churchill, “Confined Jet Mixing in the Entrance Region of a Tubular Reactor,” AIChE Journal, 17, 3 (1971).
- Poznanovic, D. S., and W. D. Seider, “A Physical Property Information System,” AIChE CHEC Workshop Series, Vol. 1, p. 75 (1972).
- Soylemez, S., and W. D. Seider, “Chemical Engineer – Process Design System Interface,” AIChE CHEC Workshop Series, Vol. 2 (1972).
- Soylemez, S., and W. D. Seider, “Computer Generated FORTRAN Programs for Material and Energy Balancing Process Units,” AIChE CHEC Workshop Series, Vol. 2 (1972).
- Soylemez, S., and W. D. Seider, “A New Technique for Precedence – Ordering Chemical Process Equation Sets,” AIChE Journal, 19, 5 (1973).
- Evans, L. B., and W. D. Seider, “The Requirements of An Advanced Computing System,” CEP, June, 1976.
- Ganic, E., and W. D. Seider, “Computer Simulation of Potassium-Steam, Combined-Cycle, Electrical Power Plants,” Comp. Chem. Eng., 1, 3 (1977).
- Evans, L. B., B. Joseph, and W. D. Seider, “System Structures for Process Simulation,” AIChE Journal, 23, 5 (1977).
- Seider, W. D., L. B. Evans, B. Joseph, E. Wong, and S. Jirapongphan, “Routing of Calculations in Process Simulation,” I. & E. C. Process Des. and Devel., 18, 2 (1979).
- Gautam, R., and W. D. Seider, “Calculation of Phase and Chemical Equilibria, Part I: Local and Constrained Minima in Gibbs Free Energy,” AIChE Journal, 25, 6 (1979).
- Gautam, R., and W. D. Seider, “Calculation of Phase and Chemical Equilibria, Part II: Phase-Splitting,” AIChE Journal, 25, 6 (1979).
- Gautam, R., and W. D. Seider, “Calculation of Phase and Chemical Equilibria, Part III: Electrolytic Solutions,” AIChE Journal, 25, 6 (1979).
- Neville, J. M., and W. D. Seider, “Coal Pretreatment – Extension of FLOWTRAN to Model Solids-Handling Equipment,” Comp. Chem. Eng., 4, 49 (1980).
- Evans, L. B., J. F. Boston, H. I. Britt, P. W. Gallier, P. K. Gupta, B. Joseph, V. Mahalec, E. Ng, W. D. Seider, and H. Yagi, “ASPEN: An Advanced System for Process Engineering,” Comp. Chem. Eng., 3 (1979).
- Seider, W. D., R. Gautam, and C. W. White, III, “Computation of Phase and Chemical Equilibrium, A Review, ” ACS Symposium Series No. 124 on “Computer Applications to Chemical Engineering Process Design and Simulation,” edited by G.V. Reklaitis and R.G. Squires (1980).
- Ross, B. A., and W. D. Seider, “Simulation of Three-Phase Distillation Towers,” Comp. Chem. Eng., 5, 1 (1981).
- White, III, C. W., and W. D. Seider, “Calculation of Phase and Chemical Equilibrium, Part IV: Approach to Chemical Equilibrium,” AIChE Journal , 27, 3 (1981).
- Prokopakis, G. J., B. A. Ross, and W. D. Seider, “Simulation of Azeotropic Distillation Towers with Two Liquid Phases,” Foundations of Computer-aided Chemical Process Design, edited by R.S.H. Mah and W. D. Seider, AIChE, 1981.
- White, III, C. W., and W. D. Seider , “Analysis of Chemical Reaction Systems,” Chem. Eng. Comm., 9 (1981).
- Prokopakis, G. J., and W. D. Seider, “An Adaptive, Semi-implicit Runge-Kutta Method for Solution of Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Fund, 20, p. 255-266 (1981).
- Seider, W. D., “Generalized and Specialized Algorithms in Process Analysis,” 1981 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, AFIPS, Washington, DC, July 15-17, 1981.
- Seider, W. D., C. W. White, III, and G. J. Prokopakis, “Stiff Differential Equations in Chemical Process Analysis,” Proceedings of the AIChE-CIESC Meeting, Beijing, China, September, 1982.
- Prokopakis, G. J., and W. D. Seider, “Feasible Specifications in Azeotropic Distillation,” AIChE Journal, 29, 1 (1983).
- Prokopakis, G. J., and W. D. Seider, “Dynamic Simulation of Azeotropic Distillation Towers,” AIChE Journal, 29, 6 (1983).
- Seider, W. D., “Model and Algorithm Synthesis in Process Analysis and Design,” Foundations of Computer-aided Chemical Process Design, edited by A.W. Westerberg and H.H. Chien, CACHE (1984).
- Seider, W. D., “Simulators in the Process Design Courses at the University of Pennsylvania,” Chem. Eng. Educ., 26 (Winter, 1984).
- White III, C. W., and W. D. Seider, “Integration of Combustion Reaction Systems,” Comp. Chem. Eng., 8, 6, 345 (1984).
- Chakravarty, T., C. W. White, III, and W. D. Seider, “Calculation of Phase Equilibrium: Optimization and Thermodynamic Inconsistency,” AIChE Journal, 31, 2 (1985).
- Seider, W. D., “Parameterization in Process Simulation,” Proceedings of CIChE-AIChE Symposium on Modern Chemical Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, September, 1986.
- Seider, W. D., and L. H. Ungar, “A Course in Nonlinear Systems,” Chem. Eng. Educ., Fall, 1987.
- Colmenares, T. R., and W. D. Seider, “Heat and Power Integration of Chemical Processes,” AIChE Journal, 33, 6, 898 (1987).
- Kovach, III, J. W., and W. D. Seider, “Heterogeneous Azeotropic Distillation: Experimental and Simulation Results,” AIChE Journal, 33, 8, 1300 (1987).
- Kovach, III, J. W., and W. D. Seider, “Heterogeneous Azeotropic Distillation: Homotopy-continuation Methods,” Comp. Chem. Eng., 11, 6, 593 (1987).
- Kovach, III, J. W., and W. D. Seider, “Vapor-liquid and Liquid-liquid Equilibra for the System Sec-butanol, Di-secbutyl Ether, Water,” J. Chem. & Eng. Data, 32, 16 (1988).
- Seider, W. D., J. C. Kellow, and M. L. Cygnarowicz, “Supercritical Extraction,” in Chemical Engineering Education in A Changing Environment, eds. S.I. Sandler and B. A. Finlayson, AIChE, 449-460 1988.
- Seider, W. D., “Chemical Engineering and Instructional Computing: Are They in Step?,” Part I, Chem. Eng. Educ., Summer, 1988.
- Ibid, Part II, Chem. Eng. Educ., Fall, 1988.
- Cygnarowicz, M. L., and W. D. Seider, “The Effect of Retrograde Solubility on the Design Optimization of Supercritical Extraction Processes,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 28, 10, 1497-1503 (1989).
- Colmenares, T. R., and W. D. Seider, “Synthesis of Cascade Refrigeration Systems Integrated with Chemical Processes,” Comp. Chem. Eng., 13, 3, 247 (1989).
- Colmenares, T. R., and W. D. Seider, “Synthesis of Utility Systems Integrated with Chemical Processes,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 28, 84 (1989).
- Seider, W. D., “Design for the Operability and Controllability of Chemical Processes,” in Design Theory ’88, eds., S. L. Newsome, W.R. Spillers, and S. Finger, Springer-Verlag, 1989.
- Widagdo, S., W. D. Seider, and D. H. Sebastian, “Bifurcation Analysis in Heterogeneous Azeotropic Distillation,” AIChE Journal, 35, 9, 1457-1464 (1989).
- Brengel, D. D., and W. D. Seider, “Multistep Nonlinear Predictive Controller,” IEC Research, 28, 1812-1822 (1989).
- Seider, W. D., D. D. Brengel, A. M. Provost, and S. Widagdo, “Nonlinear Analysis in Process Design: Why Overdesign to Avoid Complex Nonlinearities?” IEC Research, 29, 5, 805-818 (1990).
- Cygnarowicz, M. L., and W. D. Seider, “Design and Control of a Process to Extract ß-Carotene with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide,” Biotech Prog., 6, 1, 82-91 (1990).
- Cygnarowicz, M. L., R. J. Maxwell, and W. D. Seider, “Equilibrium Solubilities of Beta Carotene in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide,” Fluid Phase Equil., 59, 57-71 (1990).
- Seider, W. D., D. D. Brengel, and S. Widagdo, “Nonlinear Analysis in Process Design: A Review,” AIChE Journal, 37, 1, 1-38 (1991).
- Cygnarowicz, M. L., and W. D. Seider, “Design and Control of Supercritical Extraction Processes – A Review,” in Supercritical Fluid Technology, eds. T.J. Bruno and J.F. Ely, CRC Press, 383-403, 1991.
- Sun, A. C., and W. D. Seider, “Mapped Homotopy-Continuation Algorithm for Global Optimization,” in Recent Advances in Global Optimization, eds. C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos, Princeton University Press, 1992.
- Brengel, D. D., and W. D. Seider, “Coordinated Design and Control Optimization of Nonlinear Processes,” Comp. Chem. Eng., 16, 9, 861-886 (1992).
- Widagdo, S., W. D. Seider, and D. H. Sebastian, “Dynamic Analysis of Heterogeneous Azeotropic Distillation Towers,” AIChE Journal, 38, 8, 1229-1242 (1992).
- Koster, L.G., E. Gazi, and W. D. Seider, “Finite Elements for Near-singular Systems,” Comp. Chem. Eng., 17, 5/6, 485-503 (1993).
- Gazi, E., W. D. Seider, and L. H. Ungar, “Control of Nonlinear Processes Using Qualitative Reasoning,” Comp. Chem. Eng., 18, S189-S193 (1994).
- Sun, A. C., and W. D. Seider, “Homotopy-continuation Method for Stability Analysis in the Global Minimization of the Gibbs Free Energy,” Fluid Phase Equil., 103, 2, 213-249 (1995).
- Mumtaz, H. S., G. Corbett, M. Reagan, W. D. Seider, L. A. Fabiano, and S. Widagdo, “Heterogeneous Azeotropic Distillation Involving an Embedded Two-liquid Phase Region,” Proceedings of DYCORD’95 Symposium, Helsingor, Denmark, 1995.
- Banga, J. R., and W. D. Seider, “Global Optimization of Chemical Processes using Stochastic Algorithms,” in Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications – State of the Art in Global Optimization – Computational Methods and Applications, eds. C. A. Floudas, P. M. Pardalos, Kluwer Acad. Publ. (1996).
- Widagdo, S., and W. D. Seider, “Azeotropic Distillation – A Review,” AIChE Journal, 42, 1, 96-130 (1996).
- Irizarry-Rivera, R., and W. D. Seider, “Optimal Interface for the Bridgman Crystallization Process,” J. Numer. Heat Transfer, Part A, 29, 227-242 (1996).
- Seider, W. D., and S. Widagdo, “Multiphase Equilibria of Reactive Systems,” Fluid Phase Equil., 123, 1-2, 283-303 (1996).
- Gazi, E., W. D. Seider, and L. H. Ungar, “Verification of Controllers in the Presence of Uncertainty: Application to Styrene Polymerization,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 35, 7, 2277-2287 (1996).
- Gazi, E., L. H. Ungar, W. D. Seider, and B. J. Kuipers, “Automatic Analysis of Monte-Carlo Simulations of Dynamic Chemical Plants,” Proceedings of the ESCAPE-6 Conference, Rhodes, Greece, 1996.
- Winters, S., M. Ali, and W. D. Seider, “An Interactive Approach to Teaching Steady-state Simulation of Chemical Processes,” Comp. Appl. Eng. Educ., 4, 4 (1996).
- Gazi, E., W. D. Seider, and L. H. Ungar, “A Non-parametric Monte-Carlo Technique for Controller Verification,” Automatica, 33, 5, 901-906 (1997).
- Irizarry-Rivera, R., and W. D. Seider, “Model-predictive Control of the Czochralski Crystallization Process, Part I: Conduction-dominated Melt,” J. Crys. Growth, 178, 593-611 (1997).
- Irizarry-Rivera, R., and W. D. Seider, “Model-predictive Control of the Czochralski Crystallization Process, Part II,” J. Crys. Growth, 178, 612-633 (1997).
- Banga, J. R., R. Irizarry-Rivera, and W. D. Seider, “Stochastic Optimization for Model-predictive and Optimal Control,” Comput. Chem. Eng., 22, 4/5, 603-612 (1998).
- Phimister, J. R., E. S. Fraga, and W. D. Seider, “Plantwide Controller Tuning Using a Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm,” Proceedings of DYCOPS ‘98 Conference, Corfu, Greece, 1998.
- Seider, W. D., “Process Design with Complex Nonlinearities,” Proceedings of the 7th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, Haifa, Israel, June 28–30, 1999.
- Phimister, J. R., and W. D. Seider, “Semicontinuous, Pressure-swing Distillation,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 39, 1, 122-130 (2000).
- Phimister, J. R., and W. D. Seider, “Semicontinuous Operation of a Middle-vessel Distillation Column,” Proceedings of FOCAPD’99 Conference, AIChE, 2000.
- Phimister, J. R., and W. D. Seider, “Distillate-bottoms Control of Middle-vessel Distillation Columns,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 39, 6, 1840-1849 (2000).
- Phimister, J. R., and W. D. Seider, “Semicontinuous, Middle-vessel Extractive Distillation,” Comput. Chem. Eng., 24, 879-885 (2000).
- Phimister, J. R., and W. D. Seider, “Semicontinuous, Middle-vessel Distillation of Ternary Mixtures,” AIChE Journal, 46, 8, 1508-1520 (2000).
- Ciric, A. R., H. S. Mumtaz, G. Corbett, M. Reagan, W. D. Seider, L. A. Fabiano, D. M. Kolesar, and S. Widagdo, “Azeotropic Distillation with an Internal Decanter”, Comput. Chem. Eng., 24, 2435-2446 (2000).
- Lewin, D. R., W. D. Seider, and J. D. Seader, “An Integrated Approach to Process Design Instruction,” Comput. Chem. Eng., 24, 1369-1374 (2000).
- Kanter, J. M., M. Soroush, and W. D. Seider, “Continuous-time Nonlinear Feedback Control of Stable Processes,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 40, 2069-2078 (2001).
- Feng, X., and W. D. Seider, “A New Structure and Design Methodology for Water Networks,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 40, 6140-6146 (2001).
- Lewin, D. R., W. D. Seider, and J. D. Seader, “Integrated Process Design Instruction,” Comput. Chem. Eng., 26, 295-306 (2002).
- Kanter, J. M., M. Soroush, and W. D. Seider, “Nonlinear Feedback Control of Multivariable Non-minimum-phase Processes,” J. Proc. Cont., 12, 6, 667-686 (2002).
- Kanter, J. M., M. Soroush, and W. D. Seider, “Nonlinear Controller Design for Input-Constrained, Multivariable Processes,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 41, 3735-3744 (2002).
- Kanter, J. M., M. Soroush, and W. D. Seider, “Real-time, Nonlinear Control of a Constrained, Non-minimum-phase Process,” AIChE Journal, 48, 10, 2247-2254 (2002).
- Lewin, D. R., W. D. Seider, and J. D. Seader, “Towards Integrating Design and Control for Defect-free Products,” Chapter D3, in The Integration of Design and Control, Eds., P. Seferlis, and M. Georgiadis, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 2004.
- Dai, J., J. M. Kanter, S. Kapur, W. D. Seider, and T. Sinno, “On-lattice Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations of Point Defect Aggregation in Entropically Influenced Crystalline Systems,” Phys. Rev. B, 134102 (2005).
- Meel, A., W. D. Seider, and M. Soroush, “Game Theoretic Approach to Multi-Objective Designs: Focus on Inherent Safety,” AIChE Journal, 52, 1, 228-246 (2006).
- Panjapornpon, C., M. Soroush, and W. D. Seider, “Model-based Controller Design for Unstable, Non-minimum-phase, Nonlinear Processes,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 45, 2758-2768 (2006).
- Zheng, X., X. Feng, R. Shen, and W. D. Seider, “Design of Optimal Water-Using Networks with Internal Water Mains, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., in press, 2006.
- Adams II, T. A., and W. D. Seider, “Semicontinuous Distillation with Chemical Reaction in a Middle Vessel,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 45, 5548-5560 (2006).
- Dai, J., W. D. Seider, and T. Sinno, “Lattice Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations of Defect Evolution in Crystals at Elevated Temperature,” Molec. Simul., 32, 3/4, 308-314 (2006).
- Meel, A., and W. D. Seider, “Plant-Specific Dynamic Failure Assessment using Bayesian Theory,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 61, 7036-7056 (2006).
- Meel, A., L. M. O’Neill, W. D. Seider, U. Oktem, and N. Keren, “Operational Risk Assessment of Chemical Industries by Exploiting Accident Databases,” J. Loss Preven. Proc. Indust, 20, 113-127 (2007).
- Meel, A., and W. D. Seider, “Real-time Risk Analysis of Safety Systems,” Comput. Chem. Eng., 32, 827-840 (2008).
- Panjapornpon, C., M. Soroush, and W. D. Seider, “Differential-Geometric Model-Based Control (DGMBC): A Software Package for Controller Design,” Comput. Chem. Eng., 32(7), 1569-1588 (2008).
- Meel, A., W. D. Seider, and U. Oktem, “Analysis of Management Actions, Human Behavior, and Process Reliability in Chemical Plants. I. Impact of Management Actions,” Proc. Safety Prog., 27, 1, 7-14 (2008).
- Meel, A., W. D. Seider, and U. Oktem, “Analysis of Management Actions, Human Behavior, and Process Reliability in Chemical Plants. II. Near-Miss Management System Selection,” Proc. Safety Prog., 27, 2, 139-144 (2008).
- Adams II, T. A., and W. D. Seider, “Practical Optimization of Complex Chemical Processes with Tight Constraints,” Comput. Chem. Eng., 32, 2099-2112 (2008).
- Adams II, T. A., and W. D. Seider, “Semicontinuous Distillation for Ethyl Lactate Production,” AIChE Journal, 54, 10, 2539-2552 (2008).
- Dai, J., W. D. Seider, and T. Sinno, “Coarse-Grained Lattice Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of Systems of Strongly Interacting Particles,” J. Chem. Phys., 128, 194705 (2008).
- Adams II, T. A., and W. D. Seider, “Semicontinuous Reactive Extraction and Reactive Distillation,” Chem. Eng. Res. and Design,87, 245-262 (2009).
- Adams II, T. A., and W. D. Seider, “Design Heuristics for Semicontinuous Separation Processes with Chemical Reactions,” Chem. Eng. Res. and Design, 87, 263-270 (2009).
- Seider, W. D., J. D. Seader, D. R. Lewin, and S. Widagdo, “Perspectives on Chemical Product and Process Design,” Comput. Chem. Eng., 33, 930-935 (2009).
- Pariyani, A., W. D. Seider, U. G. Oktem, and M. Soroush, “Incidents Investigation and Dynamic Analysis of Large Alarm Databases in Chemical Plants: A Fluidized-Catalytic-Cracking Unit Case Study,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 49, 8062-8079 (2010).
- Pariyani, A., W. D. Seider, U. G. Oktem, and M. Soroush, “Dynamic Risk Analysis using Alarm Databases to Improve Safety and Quality: Part I – Data Compaction,” AIChE J., 58, 3, 812-825 (2012).
- Pariyani, A., W. D. Seider, U. G. Oktem, and M. Soroush, “Dynamic Risk Analysis using Alarm Databases to Improve Safety and Quality: Part II – Bayesian Analysis,” AIChE J., 58, 3, 826-841 (2012).
- Slominski, C. G., W. D. Seider, S. W. Churchill, and J. D. Seader, “Helical and Lemniscate Tubular Reactors,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 50, 15, 8842-8850 (2011).
- Kleindorfer, P., U. G, Oktem, A. Pariyani, and W. D. Seider, “Assessment Of Catastrophe Risk And Potential Losses In Industry”, Comput. Chem. Eng., 47, 85-96 (2012).
- Liu, X. , W. D. Seider, and T. Sinno, “Coarse-Grained Lattice Monte Carlo Simulations with Continuous Interaction Potentials,” Phys. Rev. E86, 026708-1-5 (2012).
- Liu, X., W. D. Seider, and T. Sinno, “A General Method for Spatially Coarse-Graining Metropolis Monte Carlo Simulations onto a Lattice,” J. Chem. Phys., 138, 114104 (2013).
- Dunlop, E., A. K. Coldrake, C. S. Silva, and W. D. Seider, “An Energy-limited Model of Algal Biofuel Production: Towards the Next Generation of Advanced Biofuels,” AIChE J., 2013, 59 (12), 4641-4654.
- Silva, C. S., E. Soliman, G. Cameron, L. A. Fabiano, W.D. Seider, E. Dunlop, and A.K. Coaldrake, “Commercial-Scale Biodiesel Production from Algae,” accepted by I&EC Research, 2014, 53 (13), 5311-5324.
- Mohseni Ahooyi, T., J. E. Arbogast, U. G. Oktem, W. D. Seider, and M. Soroush, “Maximum-Likelihood Maximum-Entropy Constrained Probability Density Function Estimation for Prediction of Rare Events,” AIChE J., 60, 3, 1013-1026 (2014).
- Mohseni Ahooyi, T., J. E. Arbogast, U. G. Oktem, W. D. Seider, and M. Soroush, “Estimation of Complete Discrete Multivariate Probability Distributions from Scarce Data with Application to Risk Assessment and Fault Detection,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 53, 18, 7538-7547 (2014).
- Moskowitz, I. H., W. D. Seider, M. Soroush, U. G. Oktem, and J. E. Arbogast, “Chemical Process Simulation for Dynamic Risk Analysis: A Steam-Methane Reformer Case Study”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 54, 4347-4359 (2015).
- Silva, C., W. D. Seider, and N. Lior, “Exergy Efficiency of Plant Photosynthesis,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 130, 151-171 (2015).
- Zhang, N., W. D. Seider, and B. Chen, “Washout Filters in Bifurcation Control of High-Dimensional Nonlinear Chemical Processes,” Comput. Chem. Eng., 84, 458-481 (2016).
- Silva, C., L. Soh, A. Barberio, J. Zimmerman, and W. D. Seider, “Phase Equilibria of Triolein to Biodiesel Reactor Systems,” Fluid Phase Equil., 409, 171-192 (2016).
- Mohseni Ahooyi, T., M. Soroush, J. E. Arbogast, W. D. Seider, and U. G. Oktem, “Model-Predictive Safety System for Proactive Detection of Operation Hazards,” AIChE J., 62, 6, 2024-2042 (2016).
- Moskowitz, I. H., W. D. Seider, J. Arbogast, U. G. Oktem, and A. Pariyani, “Improved Predictions of Alarm and Safety System Performance Through Process and Operator Response-Time Modeling,” AIChE J., 62, 9, 3461-3472 (2016).
- Moskowitz, I. H., W. D. Seider, A. J. Patel, and J. E. Arbogast, “Understanding Rare Safety and Reliability Events Using Transition Path Sampling, Comput. Chem. Eng., 108, 74-88, 2018.
- Yadav, G., L. A. Fabiano, W. D. Seider, L. Soh, J. B. Zimmerman, R. Sen, and W. D. Seider, “Supercritical CO2 Transesterification of Triolein to Methyl-oleate in a Batch Reactor: Experimental and Simulation Results,” Processes, 7, 16 (2019).
- Soroush, M., L. Samandari Masooleh, W. D. Seider, U. G. Oktem, and J. E. Arbogast, “Model-Predictive Safety Optimal Actions to Detect and Handle Process Operation Hazards,” AIChE J., 2020;66:16932.
- Yadav, G., L. A. Fabiano, W. D. Seider, L. Soh, J. B. Zimmerman, and R. Sen, “CO2 Process Intensification of Algae Oil Extraction to Biodiesel,” AIChE J., 67, 1, 2020; e16992.
- Stokes, J., R. Tu, M. Peters, G. Yadav, L. A. Fabiano, and W. D. Seider, “Omega-3 Fatty Acids from Algae Produced Biodiesel,” Algal Res., 51 (2020) 102047.
- Samandari Masooleh, L., J. E., Arbogast, W. D. Seider, U. G. Oktem, M. Soroush, “An Efficient Algorithm for Community Detection in Complex Weighted Networks,” AIChE Journal, 2021; e17205.
- Sudarshan, V., W. D. Seider, A. J. Patel, and J. E. Arbogast, “Understanding Rare Safety and Reliability Events Using Forward-Flux Sampling,” Comput. Chem. Eng., 153, 107387, 2021;
- Samandari Masooleh, L., J. E. Arbogast, W. D. Seider, U. G. Oktem, and M. Soroush, “Distributed State Estimation in Large-scale Processes Decomposed into Observable Subsystems Using Community Detection,” Comput. Chem. Eng., 156 107544, 2022; 0098-1354/
- Sudarshan, V., W. D. Seider, A. J. Patel, U. G. Oktem, and J. E. Arbogast, “Multivariate alarm systems to recognize rare unpostulated abnormal events,” AIChE Journal, 2023;
- Sudarshan, V., W. D. Seider, A. J. Patel, U. G. Oktem, and J. E. Arbogast, “Alarm Rationalization and Dynamic Rsk Analyses for Rare Abnormal Events,” Comput. Chem. Eng., 2024;
- Chen, D., J. P. O’Connell, and W. D. Seider, “Thermoeconomic Analysis of sCO2 Power Cycles,” AIChE Journal, 2024;
- Sudarshan, V., W. D. Seider, A. J. Patel, U. G. Oktem, and J. E. Arbogast, “Path-Sampling and Machine Learning for Rare Abnormal Events: Application to Polymerization CSTRs,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 2024;
- Land, O. D., W. D. Seider, and D. Lee, “Convolutional Neural Network Augmented Soft-Sensor for Autonomous Microfluidic Production of Uniform Bubbles,” Chem. Eng .Journal, 499, 2024 156494;
- Sudarshan, V., and W. D. Seider, “Advancing Machine Learning in Industry 4.0: Benchmark Framework for Rare-Event Prediction in Chemical Processes.,” Comput. Chem. Eng. 2024 108929;
Selected Other Publications:
- Katz, D.L., B. Carnahan, R. Douty, E. McMahon, N. Hauser, J. Zimmerman, and W. D. Seider, Computers in Engineering Design Education, Vols. I-VI, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1966.
- Kellow, J. C., M. L. Cygnarowicz, and W. D. Seider, “Supercritical Fluid Extraction Lesson,” in CACHE IBM PC Lessons for Chemical Engineering Courses Other Than Design and Control, edited by W. D. Seider, CACHE, 1987.
- Seider, W. D., “The Quantitative-Qualitative Dichotomy in Process Engineering,” CAST Communications, 16, 1, Winter, 1993.
- Seider, W. D., and A. Kivnick, “Process Design Curriculum at Penn: Adapting for the 1990s,” Chem. Eng. Educ., 28, 2, Spring, 1994.
- Seader, J. D., and W. D. Seider, “History of CACHE and its Evolution,” in Carnahan, B. (Ed.), Computers in Chemical Engineering Education, CACHE, 1996.
- Phimister, J. R., and W. D. Seider, “Bridge the Gap with Semicontinuous Distillation,” Chem. Eng. Prog., August, 2001.
- Sinno, T., and W. D. Seider, “Epitaxial Silicon Wafers Using Plasma-Enhanced, Chemical-Vapor-Deposition,” submitted for Chemical Product Design: Towards a Perspective through Case Studies, Eds., K. M. Ng and R. Gani, Elsevier, 2005.
- Seider, W. D., “A Special Tribute to Honor Stuart Churchill on the Occasion of His 90th Birthday,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 50, 15, 8803-8805 (2011).
- Seider, W. D., and L. A. Fabiano, “Capstone Chemical Product and Process Design Course: Industry-Faculty Interactions,” Proceedings of Capstone Design Conference, Univ. of Illinois, May 2012.
- Oktem, U. G., W. D. Seider, M. Soroush, and A. Pariyani, “Improve Process Safety with Near-Miss Analysis: On the Horizon,” CEP, 20-27, May 2013.
- Seider, W. D., Ed., CACHE Guide to Teaching Design with Internet Links, 3rd Ed., contains guidance and 180 links to resources for design instructors. Available from the CACHE Learning Resource Center web site.
- Seider, W. D., “Capstone Chemical Process and Product Design Courses: Emphasis on Product Manufacturing,” Proceedings of Capstone Design Conference, Ohio State Univ., June 2014.
- Dunlop, E. A., K. Coldrake, C. S. Silva, and W. D. Seider, “Modeling Sustainable Chemical Processes for Biofuels,” Ed., F. You, Sustainability of Products, Processes, and Supply Chains: Theory and Applications, Elsevier (2015).
- Seider, W. D., A. Pariyani, U. G. Oktem, I. Moskowitz, J. E. Arbogast, and M. Soroush, “Chapter 5: Introduction to Dynamic Risk Analyses,” in Ed., F. Khan, Methods in Chemical Process Safety, Elsevier, 2017.
- Ng, K. M., and W. D. Seider, “Transforming Instruction to Chemical Product Design,” Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering – PSE 2018, San Diego, 2018.
- Yadav, G., W. D. Seider, L. Soh, J. Zimmerman, “Process Intensification of Algae Oil Extraction to Biodiesel,” Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering – PSE 2018, San Diego, 2018.
- Soroush, M., L. Samandari Masooleh, J. E. Arbogast, W. D. Seider, and U. G. Oktem, “Model-Predictive Safety: A New Evolution in Functional Safety,” in Ed., M. Soroush, M. Baldea, and T. F. Edgar, Smart Manufacturing: Concepts and Methods, Elsevier, 2020.
- Kennedy, E., S. Metew, R. Chaturvedi, W. D. Seider, L. A. Fabiano, B. M. Vrana, “Carbon Capture by Allam Power Cycle: A Comparative Analysis,” Chem. Eng. Prog., December 2021.